We cannot call the concept we trade an "institutional approach," otherwise it would just sound foolish.
Our strategy is somewhat similar to the bank trading style, but it will never truly be the same, a paradox.
This is because there is too little information about institutional trading, and all we can do is scrape the crumbs off the table.
We are not the ones who claim that we can teach you to trade exactly like a Bank or a large Hedge Fund. Such "approaches" are nothing more than simple marketing.
We teach traders to approach market analysis with logic, discipline, and clear control over their actions.
To achieve results, you need to create a clear game plan, understand how the "opponent" thinks and makes decisions, and "attack" them very carefully.
We use a concept that provides a solid understanding of the market, and we do not mix it with any other concept. If you want to be successful, you should follow only one ideology.
The second reason we trade the smart money concept is mathematics.
Our results are directly tied to the risk-to-reward ratio, which is why the smart money concept suits me best.
"Risk Reward" is key in our game, which is why this style helps me achieve what I want. It allows me to risk almost nothing for huge gains.